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This game 100% needs more bosses. Played with a friend and we cleared it out. 10/10 I need to support you NOW.


very goooooooood ♥


Thank you so much for checking it out!



I've played many student games in the past 4 years and this is my favorite. Love the nostalgia and the flavor. The collaboration between players feels very well-thought out. Also 2 Bosses in the short development time is very impressive. Great work!


Ty so much for your feedback! It was a lot of work but extremely rewarding and we were really happy with our final build. Thanks for checking us out!

-Nathaniel Dalton


Great work guys, super nostalgic and very fun. Quite hard solo which is sad as I want to get further..!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you found it fun even solo - hope you can try it with a friend sometime!

(Will say it is possible to solo, though can be very hard to)